Wikimedia Bugzilla is closed!

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This static website is read-only and for historical purposes. It is not possible to log in and except for displaying bug reports and their history, links might be broken. See T63270, the corresponding Phabricator task for complete and up-to-date bug report information.

Back to bug 61270

Who When What Removed Added
aklapper 2014-02-12 17:08:20 UTC Summary I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but as reported on English Wikipedia and tested by myself, using the image resizer to "Make full size" resulted in either a notice that no change had been made or a silent failure to save. This was tested on FF26, Using the image resizer to "Make full size" resulted in either a notice that no change had been made or a silent failure to save
gerritadmin 2014-02-12 20:49:07 UTC Status NEW PATCH_TO_REVIEW
jforrester 2014-02-13 01:16:17 UTC Priority Unprioritized Normal
Resolution --- FIXED
Assignee moriel esanders
Target Milestone --- VE-deploy-2014-02-13
Summary Using the image resizer to "Make full size" resulted in either a notice that no change had been made or a silent failure to save VisualEditor: Using "Make full size" doesn't work when size is default

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