Last modified: 2014-06-05 10:30:38 UTC

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Bug 17869 - RecentChanges rss feed should indicate change type or log action <title>s
RecentChanges rss feed should indicate change type or log action <title>s
Status: NEW
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Recent changes (Other open bugs)
All All
: Low enhancement with 1 vote (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
: easy
Depends on:
Blocks: feeds 16646
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Reported: 2009-03-09 01:34 UTC by Dan Jacobson
Modified: 2014-06-05 10:30 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Dan Jacobson 2009-03-09 01:34:55 UTC
Gentlemen, there is something very wrong with the feeds (for which
Bugzilla has no exact Component).

The problem is not noticeable on large wikis, however it is very
noticeable on smaller wikis, where not almost every change is an edit.

Let's look at some <titles>.

I'm using a zh-tw wiki in this example, but I'm sure the problem extends to all languages.


What each of these are are new users just signing up.

The problem is these entries look exactly like edits to their user
pages! But in fact all they did is sign up. The have not edited any
pages at all.

Therefore we see that in the case where what you are reporting is not
just a simple page edit, well, then you should mention more there in
the <title>, as many reader programs only show <title>s at their
highest browsing level.

Now let's look at another wiki.


Here again a mix of new users signing up, simple page edits, page
deletions, etc. etc.

The administrator has to click each one to find out what is going on,
as you have made them all look like regular page edits. Crazy!
Comment 1 Quim Gil 2013-04-16 06:43:39 UTC shows not only titles but also descriptions of what is going on. If you are following the feed you can see the full items and you don't need to click a page o know that this is just a user creation.

Is this enough?
Comment 2 Dan Jacobson 2013-04-16 23:15:23 UTC
These feeds get processed via e.g., GWENE.ORG into e.g., NNTP, HTML...
Comment 3 Andre Klapper 2013-04-17 10:01:27 UTC
I don't think we should move $stuff into the <title> just because some other places only parse <title> while you are interested in $stuff.
Comment 4 Dan Jacobson 2013-04-17 13:39:05 UTC
Fine, like those sites which make all their window <title>s the same so they cannot be distinguished in the browser, or some rudimentary mail system where the Subjects are all the same. Have it your way.
Comment 5 Quim Gil 2013-04-17 15:48:51 UTC
Let's keep the discussion constructive. What you are asking for is:

Taking as a reference

* "User account $XYZ was created" should be the title and not the description when new accounts are created, instead of "User:$XYZ"

* "$ABC deleted $XYZ" should be the title and not the description when pages are deleted, instead of "$XYZ".

At these two types of entries are indeed treated differently. One is related to the User creation log, the other to the Deletion log. I haven't looked at the code providing the feed feature, but probably there are different instructions to aggregate this different sources.

After some polishing the request makes sense, it is consistent with the RecentChanges page and it reuses existing strings. Marking as Enhancement and venturing to add the "easy" keyword to promote it as a potential task for new contributors.

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