Last modified: 2013-03-16 23:22:09 UTC

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Bug 46189 - OpenID consumer when authenticating an https://OpenID - allow untrusted CA (e.g. for self-signed certificates) per-OpenID-provider, or per-user
OpenID consumer when authenticating an https://OpenID - allow untrusted CA (e...
Product: MediaWiki extensions
Classification: Unclassified
OpenID (Other open bugs)
All All
: Normal enhancement (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: T. Gries
: 45956 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 45324
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Reported: 2013-03-16 11:46 UTC by T. Gries
Modified: 2013-03-16 23:22 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description T. Gries 2013-03-16 11:46:20 UTC
see also bug 45324 .

The implementation would require a user_openid table schema change, so that an additional column uoi_openid_ignore_certificate_check can be added and can be set to "1". (per user).

"per-OpenID provider" would either require 

+ an additional database table openid_providers which save their properites including whether not to ignore certificate checks; or
+ hard-coding the value for the preprogrammed providers. 

A setting (checkbox "ignore certificate checks") for manually entered OpenIDs must be added on the Login and Convert panels.
Comment 1 T. Gries 2013-03-16 13:03:02 UTC
add to the the per-openid provider and/or per-user solution;

+ show OpenID provider's fingerprint
+ store fingerprint if user accepted
+ alert, if during the next authentication the current and stored fingerprints differ
Comment 2 T. Gries 2013-03-16 13:22:12 UTC
Comment 3 T. Gries 2013-03-16 13:51:03 UTC
SHA-1 example for OPENSSL (tested)

echo -n | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -n "/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/p" | openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha1 -noout

results in output:

"SHA1 Fingerprint=15:23:B4:8F:71:6F:E7:88:55:17:58:19:F3:D4:C0:59:8A:07:73:44"


Example for GNUTLS (untested):

The GNUTLS client tool, gnutls-cli, can also make this easy:

gnutls-cli --print-cert < /dev/null >

The program is designed to provide an interactive client to the site, so you need to give it empty input to end the interactive session.
Comment 4 T. Gries 2013-03-16 14:20:10 UTC
*** Bug 45956 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 T. Gries 2013-03-16 16:08:29 UTC
Here's a simple cert viewer in PHP
Comment 6 T. Gries 2013-03-16 23:22:09 UTC
closed after discussion with Ryan ("there's never a good reason to allow insecure checking")

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